
Wild About Books 3

The Library operates from Monday to Friday. Children may borrow and engage in quiet activities and games, such as chess, during these times and may also use the computers at lunchtimes.

All classes participate in regular weekly sessions in the Library in order to establish understandings and skills in information literacy, including the use of information and communication technology. Library lessons also encourage the children to read widely for enjoyment and information.

Class teachers may schedule lessons in the Library, to use either print resources or the computer laboratory, when it is not being used for a timetabled class. The classroom teacher manages these classes independently.

Access to Resources - Students are actively encouraged to read widely and to access a range of information sources.

Resource loan limits are as follows:

For the majority of items, the loan period is two weeks. Loans of reference and other materials are by negotiation with the teacher-librarian.

Students are encouraged to borrow according to need. Students usually have an opportunity to borrow during their scheduled weekly Library lessons. They may also exchange books at lunchtimes. Every student is strongly encouraged to use a serviceable library bag (solid fabric or tough plastic) labelled clearly with his or her name. Library bags should be replaced as necessary and may be purchased at the front office.

Community Involvement in the Library

Students participate:

Parents participate: